PVC Sliding Doors


PVC Doors with double glazing and/or blockboard
PVC Sliding Doors
PVC sliding doors offered by Easteuro are useful in arranging any type of space, are very practical and offers a unique design.
If you have a narrow space and opening a normal door is made impossible or difficult, then the solution of PVC sliding door is a useful investment, execution time is short and installation is done very easily. Sliding doors are chosen by our clients because it provides a wide opening on the exterior, the proposed design manages to put in a different light interior, and exterior. PVC sliding doors are divided into two categories:
• Interior sliding doors
• exterior sliding doors
Technical characteristics of PVC sliding door:
• sliding rail system placed on the floor
• sliding rail system fixed to the ceiling
• special ironmongery G-U
• sliding can be done from the left to the right side, right side remains fixed, or reverse
• are insulated
• are available in many colors
Through Drupanel, Easteuro team offers you the opportunity to personalize blockboards in various ways, starting from colors and ending to the type and shape of the glass, witch it will include in its composition.
Blockboards can be adjusted using the three main components of their: central blockboard, side blockboard, glass. The blockboard is made ​​of PVC and foam filling after advanced technology can be achieved atdifferent thicknesses of the package them are between 24 and 52 mm.
Blockboard Features:
• achieving in a short-term
• low cost
• quick and easy mounting
• lightweight
• great design
Glass contained inside the blockboard:
Fused glass, a combination of two or more glasses, heated at high temperature has a special appearance, with vivid colors, translucent.
You can opt for a combination of fused glass with etched glass, combination that gives the contemporary aspect. Frostedblockboard can be done in many ways, depending on the individual taste..
Decorative glass used for blockboards with resin it’s 4 mm and are commonly used following types:
• white sand (standard of white blockboard)
• sand bronze (standard of color blockboard)
• white chinchilla
• bronze chinchilla
• blasted
• screen You can choose besides blockboards with decorative glass and for blockboards with curved glass.
Blockboards accessories:
• Beaters
H = 150mm/175mm l = 85mm/90mm
• Postboxes
H = 70mm L = 260mm/310mm
• Viewfinders- different models and sizes
PVC Doors with double glazing and/or blockboard
We offer a wide range of door characterized by class, ideal for space planning interior and exterior designed to equipcivil and industrial constructions, new or located in any climatic or seismic region in Romania according to technical regulations.
PVC interior doors are characterized by the following specifications:
• 4 isolation rooms are suitable for execution
• the closure is at one point through GU ironmongery
• closing-opening is achieved through a simple handle positioned in the lock area
• have aluminum threshold without thermal barrier
• opening can be carried inwards or outwards
• available colors depending on your preference
• types of doors with or without beam
• PVC exterior doors are characterized by the following specifications:
• the profile systems with 4, 5 and 6 rooms isolation rooms ensure a high thermal and sound insulation
• GU multipoint key ensure complete security, against intrusion
• PVC exterior doors for shops, offices and firms have space handle and Ball lock, in exchange for housing exteriorPVC doors have common handles and simple
• PVC exterior doors have aluminum threshold with thermal barrier
• opening can be carried inwards or outwards
• available colors depending on your preference
• types of doors with or without beam
• decorative panels
Balcony doors
PVC balcony doors is contact with the outside the house to a secondary exit, which is a first floor terrace or balconyblock.
PVC balcony doors are characterized by the following specifications:
o profile systems with 4.5 or 6 rooms achieves a high thermal and sound insulation
o using the same type of ironmongery like windows, balcony doors can be opened simple but alsooscillating/swinging
o the opening is carried towards the interior
o available colors according to your preferences
Sustainability of the door is over 30 years for white profiles and over 20 years for color profiles. EASTEUROprovides guarantee of 2 years for systems installed by the company teams. Products used by the customer(reference is made to the installation) guarantee is 6 months.