Generically known as PVC glazing window, insulating glass is actually an ensemble of two sheets of glass, between which there is a gaseous medium (air or gas in some cases), perfectly sealed.
Spare parts for windows and doors with windows, insulating glass can adds a plus of comfort but also a great look, however depending of glass’s characteristics used in the project.
PVC glazing windows produced by EASTEURO is made from glass and various structures:
PVC Glazing windows with argon:
Easteuro produce glazing PVC wndows with argon in the the following combinations:
Window Glazing FLOAT: It provides an extremely high light transmission, obtained by the combination of two sheets of float glass, is the cheapest product from the range of PVC glazing windows.
LOW-E Glass Window: Made by combination a sheet of soft low-e glass (glass with soft coverage by low emissivity) and any other type of glass (clear, colored, reflective, against burglary, etc.) with the space between sheets filled with argon gas, it’s one of the best existing glazing in terms of thermal transfer.
Window Glass PLANITHERM 4S: With SGG PLANITHERM 4S you are enjoying the perfect temperature and ideal light regardless of the season. Function to maintain comfort in winter and summer, a pleasant ambiance all year round and reflexivity give any space an elegant look.
Reflex Glass Window: It shows multifunctionality, combining solar control function (reducing the greenhouse effect) and architectural thermal insulation, acoustics, fire resistance, depending on the PVC glazing window component.
Glass Window Color: It is obtained by combination of different colored sheets of glass that contain metal oxides embedded in glass windows and serves as light control and UV protection.
Burglary Window glass: This type of insulated glass is used for glazing areas that it need to ensure a high level of protection from injury, vandalism, explosion, etc..
Technical specifications:
Low-e glass thereby behaves, looking by exterior/interior, it’s can be observed:
1.at the outside
- a) allows permeation of light radiation
- b) rejects UV permeation of ultraviolet radiation
- c) reject permeation of caloric radiation
- at the inside
a) reject permeation of caloric radiation

Sound insulation
Intensity of noise depending by some common activities / places:
20 dB – the sound of a clock – slowly
30 dB – whisper-quietly
40 dB – the usual noises in a room – normal
50 dB – the noise level of a discussion – normal
60 dB – the noise leve at desk – hard
70 dB – the noise level of a car at 5 m away – hard
80 dB – the noise level of a street – very loud
90 dB – the noise level of a klaxon – very lood
100 dB -the noise level of a street with heavy traffic, including truck traffic – unbearable
120 dB – the noise level at airports – unbearable
Over 140 dB noise can become painful
Ornamental glass
Ornamental glass: stained glass, applied crystals, glass foil
Stained Glass
Stained Glass is becoming increasingly present today, turning into a decorative element for those who love beautiful.
A classic stained glass is composed from pieces of colored glass held together by a net of lattice lead. Stained glass effect is double, he embellishes both outside and inside of a space by filtering light.
It thus achieves a particular atmosphere of space that takes from color that cross pieces of colored glass. By upgrading the art of stained glass and by providing to creators of stained glass performance materials and equipment has become more affordable.
Thus the stained glass obtained by lamination technique (applying colored foils delimited with lead tape on a glass support) has resulted an a great product and affordable in terms of price.
Demand on custom request we design and produce any other models of ornamental glass.